Chris Hughes 2024


Chris is a largely self-taught potter, artist and photographer.

His output is small as he hand builds all his pots using pinching, coiling, slabbing and modelling techniques. He makes bowls, bottles, plates, lamp-bases and clocks. His forms are often sharp edged and finely balanced, the bottle forms frequently twisting as they rise. He uses features from the landscape on his pots, mountains, streams and beaches occur frequently and also weathered doors, windows and stone walls.

For his drawings he uses coloured pencils or pastels, liking the direct contact with the surface of the paper, using smudging and rubbing techniques to achieve the variations in tones and shades which he sees in the skies, clouds, landscapes and water he tries to represent. The drawings have become more and more abstract and many later works are totally so but remain heavily influenced by elements from the landscape.