Wednesday 02 April 2025 - Saturday 10 May 2025
Coming soon - A Canvas of Landscape - From The Sandstone Trail to Tarbat Ness by Roy Sargent and Mike Cooke
Roy Sargent
I have constantly been drawn by the power of landscape, occasionally exploring other themes but compelled always to return. The elements that make up the physical landscape, wood, rock and earth, are changed by those less tangible, wind, rain and sunshine.
Man-made structures within a landscape are transitory, reclaimed with the passing of time and the action of those elements upon them.
In my paintings and drawings I simply try to describe what I see and feel about a place, to capture the drama and pattern that flows through and the colours that come from within, like looking at pebbles in water.
Mike Cooke
Landscape is my principal obsession as a painter. I am anxious to be patient, allowing time for the landscape to form a dialogue with me. I respond to physical interactions within the landscape and search for viewpoints which allow me to explore relationships of mass and movement, alongside a joy in both colour and surface.
I have favourite ‘touchstones’, places or situations that I enjoy working in. Places close to home, such as the Sandstone Trail, and places more difficult to reach, for example Tarbat Ness in North East Scotland. Each return visit reveals fresh stimuli, something to excite, despite my familiarity with the location.